MOU with Suranaree University of Technology
Asia Cement PCL by Mr. Nopadol Ramyarupa, Managing Director and Mr. Rapee Sukhyanga, Director jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding on academic cooperation entitled “Research and Development Project for Innovative Building Materials for Energy and Environment Conservation” with Suranaree University of Technology by Associate Professor Dr. Anan Tongraar, Rector of SUT. The executives from both parties also joined this MOU signing ceremony held on August 1, 2022 at the Information Room, Administration Building, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima province. This MOU aims to promote academic collaboration with the university as well as move forward together with the implementation of research and development projects in environmentally friendly building materials innovations. It is an exchange of knowledge, experience and modern technology between the Company and the institution which can be extended to innovative products for a sustainable environment and ultimately contribute to the development of the country in the future.

Banner MOU with Suranaree University of Technology.

Banner MOU with Suranaree University of Technology.